Lightweight cargo scooter designed using generative design
Group members: Esther Betz and Elisa Bessega
Mantis is an electric cargo scooter that aids in the transportation of everyday loads in an urban environment. A three-wheeled design makes the scooter stable and easy to use.
The lightweight yet sturdy frame was designed with the aid of a generative design algorithm that minimizes material usage within a structure.
Design Process
Lightweight structures are not only more portable and user friendly, but also more sustainable.
After inputting various load cases into the Grasshopper script and generating numerous 2D and 3D structures, the forms were used as inspiration for the ideation process.
Form Refinement
Since the forms had such organic geometry, we clarified the form so that it could be more realistically built.
The process involved understanding the statics of the overall structure and generating more structures for specific aspects of the design.
Left: Details for braces of rear platform inspired by web-like structures generated by script
Right: Structural support for rear platform informed by 2D generated structures
In order to test the sturdiness of the structure and refine the proportions, we quickly moved from the computer to building a full scale model. We bent thin steel tubes to ensure as lightweight a structure as possible
Steering Mechanism
I engineered a unique steering mechanism that allowed the rider to control the scooter using an intuitive side-to-side motion. This gesture creates a more casual riding experience that is appropriate for a scooter.
The process involved physical prototyping and simulating the mechanism in Fusion360.